forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
For reference (raised by rozzin in IRC): * * * As noted by XRevan86, modules are not necessarily non-essential. As we will keep the modules directory in GS root [therefore, near to plugins/], it is evidenced the difference between both. This is a simple yet fundamental structural change. It doesn't change functionality but makes clearer the way we understand GNU social's internals.
The EmailSummary plugin sends an email summary of the inbox to users in the network. After enabling the plugin, users will have an option to enable/disable the feature in their "Email Settings" section. You can run ./script/sendemailsummary.php to send emails (options are documented in the file). You can run this script automatically via your OS's cron mechanism to send emails regularly. Installation ============ add "addPlugin('EmailSummary');" to the bottom of your config.php Settings ======== none Example ======= addPlugin('EmailSummary');