forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
Most annoying error case being where the notice was already faved or deleted on Twitter! :) Such errors will now just fail out and log a note to the syslog -- the rest of what we were doing will continue on unhindered, so you can still delete, favorite, etc and it just won't sync the info over in that case.
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* StatusNet, the distributed open-source microblogging tool
* PHP version 5
* LICENCE: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @category Plugin
* @package StatusNet
* @author Zach Copley <>
* @author Julien C <>
* @copyright 2009-2010 Control Yourself, Inc.
* @license GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
* @link
if (!defined('STATUSNET')) {
require_once INSTALLDIR . '/plugins/TwitterBridge/twitter.php';
* Plugin for sending and importing Twitter statuses
* This class allows users to link their Twitter accounts
* @category Plugin
* @package StatusNet
* @author Zach Copley <>
* @author Julien C <>
* @license GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
* @link
* @link
class TwitterBridgePlugin extends Plugin
public $adminImportControl = false; // Should the 'import' checkbox be exposed in the admin panel?
* Initializer for the plugin.
function initialize()
// Allow the key and secret to be passed in
// Control panel will override
if (isset($this->consumer_key)) {
$key = common_config('twitter', 'consumer_key');
if (empty($key)) {
Config::save('twitter', 'consumer_key', $this->consumer_key);
if (isset($this->consumer_secret)) {
$secret = common_config('twitter', 'consumer_secret');
if (empty($secret)) {
* Check to see if there is a consumer key and secret defined
* for Twitter integration.
* @return boolean result
static function hasKeys()
$ckey = common_config('twitter', 'consumer_key');
$csecret = common_config('twitter', 'consumer_secret');
if (empty($ckey) && empty($csecret)) {
$ckey = common_config('twitter', 'global_consumer_key');
$csecret = common_config('twitter', 'global_consumer_secret');
if (!empty($ckey) && !empty($csecret)) {
return true;
return false;
* Add Twitter-related paths to the router table
* Hook for RouterInitialized event.
* @param Net_URL_Mapper $m path-to-action mapper
* @return boolean hook return
function onRouterInitialized($m)
$m->connect('admin/twitter', array('action' => 'twitteradminpanel'));
if (self::hasKeys()) {
array('action' => 'twitterauthorization')
'settings/twitter', array(
'action' => 'twittersettings'
if (common_config('twitter', 'signin')) {
array('action' => 'twitterlogin')
return true;
* Add a login tab for 'Sign in with Twitter'
* @param Action &action the current action
* @return void
function onEndLoginGroupNav(&$action)
$action_name = $action->trimmed('action');
if (self::hasKeys() && common_config('twitter', 'signin')) {
_m('Login or register using Twitter'),
'twitterlogin' === $action_name
return true;
* Add the Twitter Settings page to the Connect Settings menu
* @param Action &$action The calling page
* @return boolean hook return
function onEndConnectSettingsNav(&$action)
if (self::hasKeys()) {
$action_name = $action->trimmed('action');
_m('Twitter integration options'),
$action_name === 'twittersettings'
return true;
* Automatically load the actions and libraries used by the Twitter bridge
* @param Class $cls the class
* @return boolean hook return
function onAutoload($cls)
$dir = dirname(__FILE__);
switch ($cls) {
case 'TwittersettingsAction':
case 'TwitterauthorizationAction':
case 'TwitterloginAction':
case 'TwitteradminpanelAction':
include_once $dir . '/' . strtolower(mb_substr($cls, 0, -6)) . '.php';
return false;
case 'TwitterOAuthClient':
case 'TwitterQueueHandler':
include_once $dir . '/' . strtolower($cls) . '.php';
return false;
case 'Notice_to_status':
case 'Twitter_synch_status':
include_once $dir . '/' . $cls . '.php';
return false;
return true;
* Add a Twitter queue item for each notice
* @param Notice $notice the notice
* @param array &$transports the list of transports (queues)
* @return boolean hook return
function onStartEnqueueNotice($notice, &$transports)
if (self::hasKeys() && $notice->isLocal()) {
// Avoid a possible loop
if ($notice->source != 'twitter') {
array_push($transports, 'twitter');
return true;
* Add Twitter bridge daemons to the list of daemons to start
* @param array $daemons the list fo daemons to run
* @return boolean hook return
function onGetValidDaemons($daemons)
if (self::hasKeys()) {
. '/plugins/TwitterBridge/daemons/synctwitterfriends.php'
if (common_config('twitterimport', 'enabled')) {
. '/plugins/TwitterBridge/daemons/twitterstatusfetcher.php'
return true;
* Register Twitter notice queue handler
* @param QueueManager $manager
* @return boolean hook return
function onEndInitializeQueueManager($manager)
if (self::hasKeys()) {
$manager->connect('twitter', 'TwitterQueueHandler');
return true;
* Add a Twitter tab to the admin panel
* @param Widget $nav Admin panel nav
* @return boolean hook value
function onEndAdminPanelNav($nav)
if (AdminPanelAction::canAdmin('twitter')) {
$action_name = $nav->action->trimmed('action');
_m('Twitter bridge configuration'),
$action_name == 'twitteradminpanel',
return true;
* Plugin version data
* @param array &$versions array of version blocks
* @return boolean hook value
function onPluginVersion(&$versions)
$versions[] = array(
'name' => 'TwitterBridge',
'version' => self::VERSION,
'author' => 'Zach Copley, Julien C',
'homepage' => '',
'rawdescription' => _m(
'The Twitter "bridge" plugin allows integration ' .
'of a StatusNet instance with ' .
'<a href="">Twitter</a>.'
return true;
* Expose the adminImportControl setting to the administration panel code.
* This allows us to disable the import bridge enabling checkbox for administrators,
* since on a bulk farm site we can't yet automate the import daemon setup.
* @return boolean hook value;
function onTwitterBridgeAdminImportControl()
return (bool)$this->adminImportControl;
* When the site is set to ssl=sometimes mode, we should make sure our
* various auth-related pages are on SSL to keep things looking happy.
* Although we're not submitting passwords directly, we do link out to
* an authentication source and it's a lot happier if we've got some
* protection against MitM.
* @param string $action name
* @param boolean $ssl outval to force SSL
* @return mixed hook return value
function onSensitiveAction($action, &$ssl)
$sensitive = array('twitteradminpanel',
if (in_array($action, $sensitive)) {
$ssl = true;
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Database schema setup
* We maintain a table mapping StatusNet notices to Twitter statuses
* @see Schema
* @see ColumnDef
* @return boolean hook value; true means continue processing, false means stop.
function onCheckSchema()
$schema = Schema::get();
// For saving the last-synched status of various timelines
// home_timeline, messages (in), messages (out), ...
array(new ColumnDef('foreign_id', 'bigint', null,
false, 'PRI'),
new ColumnDef('timeline', 'varchar', 255,
false, 'PRI'),
new ColumnDef('last_id', 'bigint', null, // XXX: check for PostgreSQL
new ColumnDef('created', 'datetime', null,
new ColumnDef('modified', 'datetime', null,
// For storing user-submitted flags on profiles
array(new ColumnDef('notice_id', 'integer', null,
false, 'PRI'),
new ColumnDef('status_id', 'bigint', null, // XXX: check for PostgreSQL
false, 'UNI'),
new ColumnDef('created', 'datetime', null,
return true;
* If a notice gets deleted, remove the Notice_to_status mapping and
* delete the status on Twitter.
* @param User $user The user doing the deleting
* @param Notice $notice The notice getting deleted
* @return boolean hook value
function onStartDeleteOwnNotice(User $user, Notice $notice)
$n2s = Notice_to_status::staticGet('notice_id', $notice->id);
if (!empty($n2s)) {
$flink = Foreign_link::getByUserID($notice->profile_id,
TWITTER_SERVICE); // twitter service
if (empty($flink)) {
return true;
if (!TwitterOAuthClient::isPackedToken($flink->credentials)) {
$this->log(LOG_INFO, "Skipping deleting notice for {$notice->id} since link is not OAuth.");
return true;
try {
$token = TwitterOAuthClient::unpackToken($flink->credentials);
$client = new TwitterOAuthClient($token->key, $token->secret);
} catch (Exception $e) {
common_log(LOG_ERR, "Error attempting to delete bridged notice from Twitter: " . $e->getMessage());
return true;
* Notify remote users when their notices get favorited.
* @param Profile or User $profile of local user doing the faving
* @param Notice $notice being favored
* @return hook return value
function onEndFavorNotice(Profile $profile, Notice $notice)
$flink = Foreign_link::getByUserID($profile->id,
TWITTER_SERVICE); // twitter service
if (empty($flink)) {
return true;
if (!TwitterOAuthClient::isPackedToken($flink->credentials)) {
$this->log(LOG_INFO, "Skipping fave processing for {$profile->id} since link is not OAuth.");
return true;
$status_id = twitter_status_id($notice);
if (empty($status_id)) {
return true;
try {
$token = TwitterOAuthClient::unpackToken($flink->credentials);
$client = new TwitterOAuthClient($token->key, $token->secret);
} catch (Exception $e) {
common_log(LOG_ERR, "Error attempting to favorite bridged notice on Twitter: " . $e->getMessage());
return true;
* Notify remote users when their notices get de-favorited.
* @param Profile $profile Profile person doing the de-faving
* @param Notice $notice Notice being favored
* @return hook return value
function onEndDisfavorNotice(Profile $profile, Notice $notice)
$flink = Foreign_link::getByUserID($profile->id,
TWITTER_SERVICE); // twitter service
if (empty($flink)) {
return true;
if (!TwitterOAuthClient::isPackedToken($flink->credentials)) {
$this->log(LOG_INFO, "Skipping fave processing for {$profile->id} since link is not OAuth.");
return true;
$status_id = twitter_status_id($notice);
if (empty($status_id)) {
return true;
try {
$token = TwitterOAuthClient::unpackToken($flink->credentials);
$client = new TwitterOAuthClient($token->key, $token->secret);
} catch (Exception $e) {
common_log(LOG_ERR, "Error attempting to unfavorite bridged notice on Twitter: " . $e->getMessage());
return true;