Brion Vibber baae319aef extlibs updates: PEAR::Mail to 1.2.0, PEAR::Net_SMTP to 1.4.2 (need to go together as a pair)
PEAR::Mail updated to 1.2.0 from 1.1.4, fixes deprecation warnings on PHP 5.3, as well as:
• QA release - stable.
• Updated minimum dependencies (Net_SMTP, PEAR, PHP)
• Doc Bug  Licence change to BSD
• Bug  Mail parse error in special condition
• Bug  - Security hole allow to read/write Arbitrary File
_hasUnclosedQuotes() doesn't properly handle a double slash before an end quote (, Bug ).
• Make sure Net_SMTP is defined when calling getSMTPObject() directly (, Bug ).
• Add addServiceExtensionParameter() to the SMTP driver (, Bug ).
• Add a method to obtain the Net_SMTP object from the SMTP driver (, Bug ).

PEAR::Net_SMTP updated to 1.4.2 from 1.3.1, needed to support updated PEAR::Mail:
• Fixing header string quoting in data(). (Bug )
• The auth() method now includes an optional $tls parameter that determines whether or not TLS should be attempted (if supported by the PHP runtime and the remote SMTP server). This parameter defaults to true. (Bug )
• Header data can be specified separately from message body data by passing it as the optional second parameter to ``data()``. This is especially useful when an open file resource is being used to supply message data because it allows header fields (like *Subject:*) to be built dynamically at runtime. (Request )
• The data() method now accepts either a string or a file resource containing the message data. (Request )
• All Net_Socket write failures are now recognized. (Bug )
• Added getGreeting(), for retrieving the server's greeting string. (Request ) [needed for PEAR::Mail]
• We no longer attempt a TLS connection if we're already using a secure socket. (Bug )
• You can now specify a debug output handler via setDebug(). (Request )
• TLS connection only gets started if no AUTH methods are sent. (Bug )
2010-12-10 10:47:22 -08:00