Brion Vibber de7726dd00 Performance counters: records number of total and unique cache get/set/incr/deletes and queries, and logs to syslog.
$config['site']['logperf'] = true; // to record & dump total hits of each type and the runtime to syslog
$config['site']['logperf_detail'] = true; // very verbose -- dump the individual cache keys and queries as they get used (may contain private info in some queries)

Seeing 180 cache gets on a timeline page seems not unusual currently; since these run in serial, even relatively small roundtrip times can add up heavily.
We should consider ways to reduce the number of round trips, such as more frequently storing compound objects or the output of processing in memcached.
Doing parallel multi-key lookups could also help by collapsing round-trip times, but might not be easy to fit into SN's object model. (For things like streams this should actually work pretty well -- grab the list, then when it's returned go grab all the individual items in parallel and return the list)
2011-01-31 13:12:56 -08:00

346 lines
17 KiB

* StatusNet, the distributed open-source microblogging tool
* Default settings for core configuration
* PHP version 5
* LICENCE: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @category Config
* @package StatusNet
* @author Evan Prodromou <>
* @copyright 2008-9 StatusNet, Inc.
* @license GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
* @link
$default =
array('site' =>
array('name' => 'Just another StatusNet microblog',
'nickname' => 'statusnet',
'wildcard' => null,
'server' => $_server,
'theme' => 'default',
'path' => $_path,
'logfile' => null,
'logo' => null,
'ssllogo' => null,
'logdebug' => false,
'logperf' => false, // Enable to dump performance counters to syslog
'logperf_detail' => false, // Enable to dump every counter hit
'fancy' => false,
'locale_path' => INSTALLDIR.'/locale',
'language' => 'en',
'langdetect' => true,
'languages' => get_all_languages(),
'email' =>
array_key_exists('SERVER_ADMIN', $_SERVER) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'] : null,
'broughtby' => null,
'timezone' => 'UTC',
'broughtbyurl' => null,
'closed' => false,
'inviteonly' => false,
'private' => false,
'ssl' => 'never',
'sslserver' => null,
'shorturllength' => 30,
'dupelimit' => 60, // default for same person saying the same thing
'textlimit' => 140,
'indent' => true,
'use_x_sendfile' => false,
'notice' => null, // site wide notice text
'build' => 1, // build number, for code-dependent cache
'db' =>
array('database' => 'YOU HAVE TO SET THIS IN config.php',
'schema_location' => INSTALLDIR . '/classes',
'class_location' => INSTALLDIR . '/classes',
'require_prefix' => 'classes/',
'class_prefix' => '',
'mirror' => null,
'utf8' => true,
'db_driver' => 'DB', # XXX: JanRain libs only work with DB
'quote_identifiers' => false,
'type' => 'mysql',
'schemacheck' => 'runtime', // 'runtime' or 'script'
'annotate_queries' => false, // true to add caller comments to queries, eg /* POST Notice::saveNew */
'log_queries' => false, // true to log all DB queries
'log_slow_queries' => 0), // if set, log queries taking over N seconds
'syslog' =>
array('appname' => 'statusnet', # for syslog
'priority' => 'debug', # XXX: currently ignored
'facility' => LOG_USER),
'queue' =>
array('enabled' => false,
'subsystem' => 'db', # default to database, or 'stomp'
'stomp_server' => null,
'queue_basename' => '/queue/statusnet/',
'control_channel' => '/topic/statusnet/control', // broadcasts to all queue daemons
'stomp_username' => null,
'stomp_password' => null,
'stomp_persistent' => true, // keep items across queue server restart, if persistence is enabled
'stomp_transactions' => true, // use STOMP transactions to aid in detecting failures (supported by ActiveMQ, but not by all)
'stomp_acks' => true, // send acknowledgements after successful processing (supported by ActiveMQ, but not by all)
'stomp_manual_failover' => true, // if multiple servers are listed, treat them as separate (enqueue on one randomly, listen on all)
'monitor' => null, // URL to monitor ping endpoint (work in progress)
'softlimit' => '90%', // total size or % of memory_limit at which to restart queue threads gracefully
'spawndelay' => 1, // Wait at least N seconds between (re)spawns of child processes to avoid slamming the queue server with subscription startup
'debug_memory' => false, // true to spit memory usage to log
'inboxes' => true, // true to do inbox distribution & output queueing from in background via 'distrib' queue
'breakout' => array(), // List queue specifiers to break out when using Stomp queue.
// Default will share all queues for all sites within each group.
// Specify as <group>/<queue> or <group>/<queue>/<site>,
// using nickname identifier as site.
// 'main/distrib' separate "distrib" queue covering all sites
// 'xmpp/xmppout/mysite' separate "xmppout" queue covering just 'mysite'
'max_retries' => 10, // drop messages after N failed attempts to process (Stomp)
'dead_letter_dir' => false, // set to directory to save dropped messages into (Stomp)
'license' =>
array('type' => 'cc', # can be 'cc', 'allrightsreserved', 'private'
'owner' => null, # can be name of content owner e.g. for enterprise
'url' => '',
'title' => 'Creative Commons Attribution 3.0',
'image' => ''),
'mail' =>
array('backend' => 'mail',
'params' => null,
'domain_check' => true),
'nickname' =>
array('blacklist' => array(),
'featured' => array()),
'profile' =>
array('banned' => array(),
'biolimit' => null,
'backup' => true,
'restore' => true,
'delete' => false,
'move' => true),
'avatar' =>
array('server' => null,
'dir' => INSTALLDIR . '/avatar/',
'path' => $_path . '/avatar/',
'ssl' => null),
'background' =>
array('server' => null,
'dir' => INSTALLDIR . '/background/',
'path' => $_path . '/background/',
'ssl' => null),
'public' =>
array('localonly' => true,
'blacklist' => array(),
'autosource' => array()),
'theme' =>
array('server' => null,
'dir' => null,
'path'=> null,
'ssl' => null),
'theme_upload' =>
array('enabled' => extension_loaded('zip')),
'javascript' =>
array('server' => null,
'path'=> null,
'ssl' => null),
'local' => // To override path/server for themes in 'local' dir (not currently applied to local plugins)
array('server' => null,
'dir' => null,
'path' => null,
'ssl' => null),
'throttle' =>
array('enabled' => false, // whether to throttle edits; false by default
'count' => 20, // number of allowed messages in timespan
'timespan' => 600), // timespan for throttling
'xmpp' =>
array('enabled' => false,
'server' => 'INVALID SERVER',
'port' => 5222,
'user' => 'update',
'encryption' => true,
'resource' => 'uniquename',
'password' => 'blahblahblah',
'host' => null, # only set if != server
'debug' => false, # print extra debug info
'public' => array()), # JIDs of users who want to receive the public stream
'invite' =>
array('enabled' => true),
'tag' =>
array('dropoff' => 864000.0, # controls weighting based on age
'cutoff' => 86400 * 90), # only look at notices posted in last 90 days
'popular' =>
array('dropoff' => 864000.0, # controls weighting based on age
'cutoff' => 86400 * 90), # only look at notices favorited in last 90 days
'daemon' =>
array('piddir' => '/var/run',
'user' => false,
'group' => false),
'emailpost' =>
array('enabled' => true),
'sms' =>
array('enabled' => true),
'twitterimport' =>
array('enabled' => false),
'integration' =>
array('source' => 'StatusNet', # source attribute for Twitter
'taguri' => null), # base for tag URIs
'twitter' =>
array('signin' => true,
'consumer_key' => null,
'consumer_secret' => null),
'cache' =>
array('base' => null),
'ping' =>
array('notify' => array(),
'timeout' => 2),
'inboxes' =>
array('enabled' => true), # ignored after 0.9.x
'newuser' =>
array('default' => null,
'welcome' => null),
'snapshot' =>
array('run' => 'web',
'frequency' => 10000,
'reporturl' => ''),
'attachments' =>
array('server' => null,
'dir' => INSTALLDIR . '/file/',
'path' => $_path . '/file/',
'sslserver' => null,
'sslpath' => null,
'ssl' => null,
'supported' => array('image/png',
'file_quota' => 5000000,
'user_quota' => 50000000,
'monthly_quota' => 15000000,
'uploads' => true,
'filecommand' => '/usr/bin/file',
'show_thumbs' => true, // show thumbnails in notice lists for uploaded images, and photos and videos linked remotely that provide oEmbed info
'thumb_width' => 100,
'thumb_height' => 75,
'process_links' => true, // check linked resources for embeddable photos and videos; this will hit referenced external web sites when processing new messages.
'application' =>
array('desclimit' => null),
'group' =>
array('maxaliases' => 3,
'desclimit' => null),
'oohembed' => array('endpoint' => ''),
'search' =>
array('type' => 'fulltext'),
'sessions' =>
array('handle' => false, // whether to handle sessions ourselves
'debug' => false, // debugging output for sessions
'gc_limit' => 1000), // max sessions to expire at a time
'design' =>
array('backgroundcolor' => null, // null -> 'use theme default'
'contentcolor' => null,
'sidebarcolor' => null,
'textcolor' => null,
'linkcolor' => null,
'backgroundimage' => null,
'disposition' => null),
'custom_css' =>
array('enabled' => true,
'css' => ''),
'notice' =>
array('contentlimit' => null),
'message' =>
array('contentlimit' => null),
'location' =>
array('share' => 'user', // whether to share location; 'always', 'user', 'never'
'sharedefault' => true),
'omb' =>
array('timeout' => 5), // HTTP request timeout in seconds when contacting remote hosts for OMB updates
'logincommand' =>
array('disabled' => true),
'plugins' =>
array('default' => array('LilUrl' => array('shortenerName'=>'',
'freeService' => true,
'PtitUrl' => array('shortenerName' => '',
'serviceUrl' => '$s'),
'SimpleUrl' => array(array('shortenerName' => '', 'serviceUrl' => '$s'),
array('shortenerName' => '', 'serviceUrl' => '$s'),
array('shortenerName' => '', 'serviceUrl' => '$s'),
array('shortenerName' => '', 'serviceUrl' => '$s')),
'TightUrl' => array('shortenerName' => '', 'freeService' => true,'serviceUrl'=>'$s'),
'Geonames' => null,
'Mapstraction' => null,
'OStatus' => null,
'WikiHashtags' => null,
'RSSCloud' => null,
'OpenID' => null),
'locale_path' => false, // Set to a path to use *instead of* each plugin's own locale subdirectories
'admin' =>
array('panels' => array('design', 'site', 'user', 'paths', 'access', 'sessions', 'sitenotice', 'license')),
'singleuser' =>
array('enabled' => false,
'nickname' => null),
'robotstxt' =>
array('crawldelay' => 0,
'disallow' => array('main', 'settings', 'admin', 'search', 'message')
'api' =>
array('realm' => null),
'nofollow' =>
array('subscribers' => true,
'members' => true,
'peopletag' => true,
'external' => 'sometimes'), // Options: 'sometimes', 'never', default = 'sometimes'
'http' => // HTTP client settings when contacting other sites
array('ssl_cafile' => false, // To enable SSL cert validation, point to a CA bundle (eg '/usr/lib/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt')
'curl' => false, // Use CURL backend for HTTP fetches if available. (If not, PHP's socket streams will be used.)
'proxy_host' => null,
'proxy_port' => null,
'proxy_user' => null,
'proxy_password' => null,
'proxy_auth_scheme' => null,
'router' =>
array('cache' => true), // whether to cache the router object. Defaults to true, turn off for devel