forked from GNUsocial/gnu-social
replies, conversation shows whole tree [COMPONENTS][Feed] Added request to FormatNoteList event Every single Note that was provided to FeedController::postProcess is shown. This means, that even though the Feed is formatted to show only a Note and its respective direct replies, those same replies are shown individually again (and they get the chance to show their own direct replies). The Note list provided to FormatNoteList is reversed, and for every index, the respective Note replies are filtered out of the original list. The replies are then added as leafs of the current Note and added to the tree.
215 lines
7.9 KiB
215 lines
7.9 KiB
declare(strict_types = 1);
// {{{ License
// This file is part of GNU social -
// GNU social is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// GNU social is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with GNU social. If not, see <>.
// }}}
namespace Component\Conversation;
use App\Core\Cache;
use App\Core\DB\DB;
use App\Core\Event;
use function App\Core\I18n\_m;
use App\Core\Modules\Component;
use App\Core\Router\RouteLoader;
use App\Core\Router\Router;
use App\Entity\Activity;
use App\Entity\Actor;
use App\Entity\Note;
use App\Util\Common;
use Component\Conversation\Controller\Reply as ReplyController;
use Component\Conversation\Entity\Conversation as ConversationEntity;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
class Conversation extends Component
* **Assigns** the given local Note it's corresponding **Conversation**
* **If a _$parent_id_ is not given**, then the Actor is not attempting a reply,
* therefore, we can assume (for now) that we need to create a new Conversation and assign it
* to the newly created Note (please look at Component\Posting::storeLocalNote, where this function is used)
* **On the other hand**, given a _$parent_id_, the Actor is attempting to post a reply. Meaning that,
* this Note conversation_id should be same as the parent Note
public static function assignLocalConversation(Note $current_note, ?int $parent_id): void
if (!$parent_id) {
// If none found, we don't know yet if it is a reply or root
// Let's assume for now that it's a new conversation and deal with stitching later
$conversation = ConversationEntity::create(['initial_note_id' => $current_note->getId()]);
// We need the Conversation id itself, so a persist is in order
// Set current_note's own conversation_id
} else {
// It's a reply for sure
// Set reply_to property in newly created Note to parent's id
// Parent will have a conversation of its own, the reply should have the same one
$parent_note = Note::getById($parent_id);
* HTML rendering event that adds a reply link as a note
* action, if a user is logged in
public function onAddNoteActions(Request $request, Note $note, array &$actions): bool
if (\is_null(Common::user())) {
return Event::next;
// Generating URL for reply action route
$args = ['note_id' => $note->getId()];
$type = Router::ABSOLUTE_PATH;
$reply_action_url = Router::url('conversation_reply_to', $args, $type);
$query_string = $request->getQueryString();
// Concatenating get parameter to redirect the user to where he came from
$reply_action_url .= '?from=' . urlencode($request->getRequestUri()) . '#note-anchor-' . $note->getId();
$reply_action = [
'url' => $reply_action_url,
'title' => _m('Reply to this note!'),
'classes' => 'button-container reply-button-container note-actions-unset',
'id' => 'reply-button-container-' . $note->getId(),
$actions[] = $reply_action;
return Event::next;
public function onAddExtraArgsToNoteContent(Request $request, Actor $actor, array $data, array &$extra_args): bool
// If Actor is adding a reply, get parent's Note id
// Else it's null
$extra_args['reply_to'] = $request->get('_route') === 'conversation_reply_to' ? (int) $request->get('note_id') : null;
return Event::next;
* Append on note information about user actions
public function onAppendCardNote(array $vars, array &$result): bool
// If note is the original and user isn't the one who repeated, append on end "user repeated this"
// If user is the one who repeated, append on end "you repeated this, remove repeat?"
$check_user = !\is_null(Common::user());
// The current Note being rendered
$note = $vars['note'];
// Will have actors array, and action string
// Actors are the subjects, action is the verb (in the final phrase)
$reply_actors = [];
$note_replies = $note->getReplies();
// Get actors who repeated the note
foreach ($note_replies as $reply) {
$reply_actors[] = Actor::getByPK($reply->getActorId());
if (\count($reply_actors) < 1) {
return Event::next;
// Filter out multiple replies from the same actor
$reply_actors = array_unique($reply_actors, \SORT_REGULAR);
$result[] = ['actors' => $reply_actors, 'action' => 'replied to'];
return Event::next;
public function onAddRoute(RouteLoader $r): bool
$r->connect('conversation_reply_to', '/conversation/reply?reply_to_note={note_id<\d+>}', [ReplyController::class, 'addReply']);
$r->connect('conversation', '/conversation/{conversation_id<\d+>}', [Controller\Conversation::class, 'showConversation']);
$r->connect('conversation_mute', '/conversation/{conversation_id<\d+>}/mute', [Controller\Conversation::class, 'muteConversation']);
return Event::next;
public function onPostingGetContextActor(Request $request, Actor $actor, ?Actor $context_actor)
$to_query = $request->get('actor_id');
if (!\is_null($to_query)) {
// Getting the actor itself
$context_actor = Actor::getById((int) $to_query);
return Event::stop;
return Event::next;
public function onNoteDeleteRelated(Note &$note, Actor $actor): bool
DB::wrapInTransaction(function () use ($note) {
foreach ($note->getReplies() as $reply) {
return Event::next;
public function onAddExtraNoteActions(Request $request, Note $note, array &$actions)
if (\is_null($actor = Common::actor())) {
return Event::next;
$actions[] = [
'title' => _m('Mute conversation'),
'classes' => '',
'url' => Router::url('conversation_mute', ['conversation_id' => $note->getConversationId()]),
return Event::next;
public function onNewNotificationShould(Activity $activity, Actor $actor)
if ($activity->getObjectType() === 'note') {
$is_blocked = !empty(DB::dql(
select 1
from note n
join conversation_block cb with n.conversation_id = cb.conversation_id
where = :object_id
['object_id' => $activity->getObjectId()],
if ($is_blocked) {
return Event::stop;
} else {
return Event::next;