2019-11-16 16:51:01 +00:00

698 lines
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Executable File

* This file is part of the Stomp package.
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Stomp\Network;
use Stomp\Exception\ConnectionException;
use Stomp\Exception\ErrorFrameException;
use Stomp\Network\Observer\ConnectionObserverCollection;
use Stomp\Transport\Frame;
use Stomp\Transport\Parser;
* A Stomp Connection
* @package Stomp
* @author Hiram Chirino <>
* @author Dejan Bosanac <>
* @author Michael Caplan <>
* @author Jens Radtke <>
class Connection
* Default ActiveMq port
const DEFAULT_PORT = 61613;
* Host schemes.
* @var array[]
private $hosts = [];
* Connection timeout in seconds.
* @var integer
private $connectTimeout;
* Timeout (seconds) that are applied on write calls.
* @var integer
private $writeTimeout = 3;
* Using persistent connection for creating socket
* @var bool
private $persistentConnection = false;
* Connection read wait timeout.
* 0 => seconds
* 1 => milliseconds
* @var array
private $readTimeout = [60, 0];
* Connection options.
* @var array
private $params = [
'randomize' => false // connect to one host from list in random order
* Active connection resource.
* @var resource|null
private $connection;
* Connected host info.
* @var array
private $activeHost = [];
* Stream Context used for client connection
* @see
* @var array
private $context = [];
* Frame parser
* @var Parser
private $parser;
* Host connected to.
* @var String
private $host;
* @var ConnectionObserverCollection
private $observers;
* Maximum number of bytes to write to a resource.
* @var int
private $maxWriteBytes = 8192;
* Maximum number of bytes to read from a resource.
* @var int
private $maxReadBytes = 8192;
* Alive Signal
const ALIVE = "\n";
* @var callable|null
private $waitCallback;
* Initialize connection
* Example broker uri
* - Use only one broker uri: tcp://localhost:61614
* - use failover in given order: failover://(tcp://localhost:61614,ssl://localhost:61612)
* - use brokers in random order: failover://(tcp://localhost:61614,ssl://localhost:61612)?randomize=true
* @param string $brokerUri
* @param integer $connectionTimeout in seconds
* @param array $context stream context
* @throws ConnectionException
public function __construct($brokerUri, $connectionTimeout = 1, array $context = [])
$this->parser = new Parser();
$this->observers = new ConnectionObserverCollection();
$this->connectTimeout = $connectionTimeout;
$this->context = $context;
$pattern = "|^(([a-zA-Z0-9]+)://)+\(*([a-zA-Z0-9\.:/i,-_]+)\)*\??([a-zA-Z0-9=&]*)$|i";
if (preg_match($pattern, $brokerUri, $matches)) {
$scheme = $matches[2];
$hosts = $matches[3];
$options = $matches[4];
if ($options) {
parse_str($options, $connectionOptions);
$this->params = $connectionOptions + $this->params;
if ($scheme != 'failover') {
} else {
$urls = explode(',', $hosts);
foreach ($urls as $url) {
if (empty($this->hosts)) {
throw new ConnectionException("Bad Broker URL {$brokerUri}. Check used scheme!");
* Sets a wait callback that will be invoked when the connection is waiting for new data.
* This is a good place to call `pcntl_signal_dispatch()` if you need to ensure that your process signals in an
* interval that is lower as read timeout. You should also return `false` in your callback if you don't want the
* connection to continue waiting for data.
* @param callable|null $waitCallback
public function setWaitCallback($waitCallback)
if ($waitCallback !== null) {
if (!is_callable($waitCallback)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$waitCallback must be callable.');
$this->waitCallback = $waitCallback;
* Returns the connect timeout in seconds.
* @return int
public function getConnectTimeout()
return $this->connectTimeout;
* Returns the collection of observers of this connection.
* @return ConnectionObserverCollection
public function getObservers()
return $this->observers;
* Parse a broker URL
* @param string $url Broker URL
* @return void
* @throws ConnectionException
private function parseUrl($url)
$parsed = parse_url($url);
if ($parsed === false) {
throw new ConnectionException('Unable to parse url '. $url);
array_push($this->hosts, $parsed + ['port' => '61613', 'scheme' => 'tcp']);
* Set the read timeout
* @param integer $seconds seconds
* @param integer $microseconds microseconds (1μs = 0.000001s, ex. 500ms = 500000)
* @return void
public function setReadTimeout($seconds, $microseconds = 0)
$this->readTimeout[0] = $seconds;
$this->readTimeout[1] = $microseconds;
* Returns the read timeout
* First element contains full seconds, second the microseconds part.
* @return array
public function getReadTimeout()
return $this->readTimeout;
* Set the write timeout
* @param int $writeTimeout seconds
public function setWriteTimeout($writeTimeout)
$this->writeTimeout = $writeTimeout;
* Set socket context
* @param array $context
* @return void
public function setContext(array $context)
$this->context = $context;
* Set the maximum number of bytes to write to a resource
* This will be useful if you are suffering problems with OpenSSL or Amazon MQ
* @param int $maxWriteBytes bytes
public function setMaxWriteBytes($maxWriteBytes)
$this->maxWriteBytes = $maxWriteBytes;
* Set the maximum number of bytes to read from a resource
* This will be useful if you are suffering problems with OpenSSL or Amazon MQ
* @param int $maxReadBytes bytes
public function setMaxReadBytes($maxReadBytes)
$this->maxReadBytes = $maxReadBytes;
* Connect to an broker.
* @return boolean
* @throws ConnectionException
public function connect()
if (!$this->isConnected()) {
$this->connection = $this->getConnection();
return true;
* @param boolean $persistentConnection
public function setPersistentConnection($persistentConnection)
$this->persistentConnection = $persistentConnection;
* Get a connection.
* @return resource (stream)
* @throws ConnectionException
protected function getConnection()
$hosts = $this->getHostList();
while ($host = array_shift($hosts)) {
try {
return $this->connectSocket($host);
} catch (ConnectionException $connectionException) {
if (empty($hosts)) {
throw new ConnectionException("Could not connect to a broker", [], $connectionException);
* Get the host list.
* @return array
protected function getHostList()
$hosts = array_values($this->hosts);
if ($this->shouldRandomizeHosts()) {
return $hosts;
* Returns whether the broker host list should be shuffled in random order.
* This applies when specifying multiple hosts using a failover:// protocol in the URI.
* @return bool
* Whether the broker hosts should be shuffled in random order.
protected function shouldRandomizeHosts()
return filter_var($this->params['randomize'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
* Try to connect to given host.
* @param array $host
* @return resource (stream)
* @throws ConnectionException if connection setup fails
protected function connectSocket(array $host)
$this->activeHost = $host;
$errNo = null;
$errStr = null;
$context = stream_context_create($this->context);
if ($this->persistentConnection) {
$socket = @stream_socket_client(
$host['scheme'] . '://' . $host['host'] . ':' . $host['port'],
if (!is_resource($socket)) {
throw new ConnectionException(sprintf('Failed to connect. (%s: %s)', $errNo, $errStr), $host);
if (!@stream_set_blocking($socket, false)) {
throw new ConnectionException('Failed to set non blocking mode for stream.', $host);
$this->host = $host['host'];
return $socket;
* Connection established.
* @return boolean
public function isConnected()
return ($this->connection && is_resource($this->connection));
* Close connection.
* @return void
public function disconnect()
if ($this->isConnected()) {
@stream_socket_shutdown($this->connection, STREAM_SHUT_RDWR);
$this->connection = null;
$this->activeHost = [];
* Write frame to server.
* @param Frame $stompFrame
* @return boolean
* @throws ConnectionException
public function writeFrame(Frame $stompFrame)
if (!$this->isConnected()) {
throw new ConnectionException('Not connected to any server.', $this->activeHost);
$this->writeData($stompFrame, $this->writeTimeout);
return true;
* Write passed data to the stream, respecting passed timeout.
* @param Frame|string $stompFrame
* @param float $timeout in seconds, supporting fractions
* @throws ConnectionException
private function writeData($stompFrame, $timeout)
$data = (string) $stompFrame;
$offset = 0;
$size = strlen($data);
$lastByteTime = microtime(true);
do {
$written = @fwrite($this->connection, substr($data, $offset), $this->maxWriteBytes);
if ($written === false) {
throw new ConnectionException('Was not possible to write frame!', $this->activeHost);
if ($written > 0) {
// offset tracking
$offset += $written;
$lastByteTime = microtime(true);
} else {
// timeout tracking
if ((microtime(true) - $lastByteTime) > $timeout) {
throw new ConnectionException(
'Was not possible to write frame! Write operation timed out.',
// keep some time to breath
if ($written < $size) {
time_nanosleep(0, 2500000); // 2.5ms / 0.0025s
} while ($offset < $size);
* Try to read a frame from the server.
* @return Frame|false when no frame to read
* @throws ConnectionException
* @throws ErrorFrameException
public function readFrame()
// first we try to check the parser for any leftover frames
if ($frame = $this->parser->nextFrame()) {
return $this->onFrame($frame);
if (!$this->hasDataToRead()) {
return false;
do {
$read = @fread($this->connection, $this->maxReadBytes);
if ($read === false) {
throw new ConnectionException(sprintf('Was not possible to read data from stream.'), $this->activeHost);
// this can be caused by different events on the stream, ex. new data or any kind of signal
// it also happens when a ssl socket was closed on the other side... so we need to test
if ($read === '') {
// again we give some time here
// as this path is most likely indicating that the socket is not working anymore
time_nanosleep(0, 5000000); // 5ms / 0.005s
return false;
if ($frame = $this->parser->nextFrame()) {
return $this->onFrame($frame);
} while ($this->isDataOnStream());
return false;
* The connection onFrame handler.
* @param Frame $frame
* @return Frame
* @throws ErrorFrameException
private function onFrame(Frame $frame)
if ($frame->isErrorFrame()) {
throw new ErrorFrameException($frame);
return $frame;
* Check if connection has new data which can be read.
* This might wait until readTimeout is reached.
* @return boolean
* @throws ConnectionException
* @see Connection::setReadTimeout()
public function hasDataToRead()
if (!$this->isConnected()) {
throw new ConnectionException('Not connected to any server.', $this->activeHost);
$isDataInBuffer = $this->connectionHasDataToRead($this->readTimeout[0], $this->readTimeout[1]);
if (!$isDataInBuffer) {
return $isDataInBuffer;
* See if the connection has data left.
* If both timeout-parameters are set to 0, it will return immediately.
* @param int $timeoutSec Second-timeout part
* @param int $timeoutMicros Microsecond-timeout part
* @return bool
* @throws ConnectionException
private function connectionHasDataToRead($timeoutSec, $timeoutMicros)
$timeout = microtime(true) + $timeoutSec + ($timeoutMicros ? $timeoutMicros / 1000000 : 0);
while (($hasData = $this->isDataOnStream()) === false) {
if ($timeout < microtime(true)) {
return false;
if ($this->waitCallback) {
if (call_user_func($this->waitCallback) === false) {
return false;
$slept = time_nanosleep(0, 2500000); // 2.5ms / 0.0025s
if (\is_array($slept)) {
return false;
return $hasData === true;
* Checks if there is readable data on the stream.
* Will return true if data is available, false if no data is detected and null if the operation was interrupted.
* @return bool|null
* @throws ConnectionException
private function isDataOnStream()
$read = [$this->connection];
$write = null;
$except = null;
$hasStreamInfo = @stream_select($read, $write, $except, 0);
if ($hasStreamInfo === false) {
// can return `false` if used in combination with `pcntl_signal` and lead to false errors here
$error = error_get_last();
if ($error && isset($error['message']) && stripos($error['message'], 'interrupted system call') === false) {
throw new ConnectionException(
'Check failed to determine if the socket is readable.',
return null;
return !empty($read);
* Returns the parser which is used by the connection.
* @return Parser
public function getParser()
return $this->parser;
* Returns the host the connection was established to.
* @return String
public function getHost()
return $this->host;
* Writes an "alive" message on the connection to indicate that the client is alive.
* @param float $timeout in seconds supporting fractions (microseconds)
* @return void
* @throws ConnectionException
public function sendAlive($timeout = 1.0)
if ($this->isConnected()) {
$this->writeData(self::ALIVE, $timeout);
* Immediately releases all allocated resources when the connection object gets destroyed.
* This is especially important for long running processes.
public function __destruct()