Mikael Nordfeldth 67d09532dd Improved animated image thumbnail freedom of choice
Default is now to take still thumbnails of animated GIFs and then
show them as originals in an AttachmentListItem. The still frames
are mostly used with front-ends like qvitter.
2015-01-26 16:33:39 +01:00

586 lines
24 KiB

* StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, StatusNet, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if (!defined('GNUSOCIAL')) { exit(1); }
* Table Definition for file
class File extends Managed_DataObject
public $__table = 'file'; // table name
public $id; // int(4) primary_key not_null
public $url; // varchar(255) unique_key
public $mimetype; // varchar(50)
public $size; // int(4)
public $title; // varchar(255)
public $date; // int(4)
public $protected; // int(4)
public $filename; // varchar(255)
public $width; // int(4)
public $height; // int(4)
public $modified; // timestamp() not_null default_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
public static function schemaDef()
return array(
'fields' => array(
'id' => array('type' => 'serial', 'not null' => true),
'url' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'destination URL after following redirections'),
'mimetype' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 50, 'description' => 'mime type of resource'),
'size' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'size of resource when available'),
'title' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'title of resource when available'),
'date' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'date of resource according to http query'),
'protected' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'true when URL is private (needs login)'),
'filename' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'description' => 'if a local file, name of the file'),
'width' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'width in pixels, if it can be described as such and data is available'),
'height' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'height in pixels, if it can be described as such and data is available'),
'modified' => array('type' => 'timestamp', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'date this record was modified'),
'primary key' => array('id'),
'unique keys' => array(
'file_url_key' => array('url'),
function isProtected($url) {
return 'http://www.facebook.com/login.php' === $url;
* Save a new file record.
* @param array $redir_data lookup data eg from File_redirection::where()
* @param string $given_url
* @return File
public static function saveNew(array $redir_data, $given_url) {
// I don't know why we have to keep doing this but I'm adding this last check to avoid
// uniqueness bugs.
$file = File::getKV('url', $given_url);
if (!$file instanceof File) {
$file = new File;
$file->url = $given_url;
if (!empty($redir_data['protected'])) $file->protected = $redir_data['protected'];
if (!empty($redir_data['title'])) $file->title = $redir_data['title'];
if (!empty($redir_data['type'])) $file->mimetype = $redir_data['type'];
if (!empty($redir_data['size'])) $file->size = intval($redir_data['size']);
if (isset($redir_data['time']) && $redir_data['time'] > 0) $file->date = intval($redir_data['time']);
$file_id = $file->insert();
Event::handle('EndFileSaveNew', array($file, $redir_data, $given_url));
assert ($file instanceof File);
return $file;
* Go look at a URL and possibly save data about it if it's new:
* - follow redirect chains and store them in file_redirection
* - if a thumbnail is available, save it in file_thumbnail
* - save file record with basic info
* - optionally save a file_to_post record
* - return the File object with the full reference
* @fixme refactor this mess, it's gotten pretty scary.
* @param string $given_url the URL we're looking at
* @param int $notice_id (optional)
* @param bool $followRedirects defaults to true
* @return mixed File on success, -1 on some errors
* @throws ServerException on failure
public static function processNew($given_url, $notice_id=null, $followRedirects=true) {
if (empty($given_url)) {
throw new ServerException('No given URL to process');
$given_url = File_redirection::_canonUrl($given_url);
if (empty($given_url)) {
throw new ServerException('No canonical URL from given URL to process');
$file = File::getKV('url', $given_url);
if (!$file instanceof File) {
// First check if we have a lookup trace for this URL already
$file_redir = File_redirection::getKV('url', $given_url);
if ($file_redir instanceof File_redirection) {
$file = File::getKV('id', $file_redir->file_id);
if (!$file instanceof File) {
// File did not exist, let's clean up the File_redirection entry
// If we still don't have a File object, let's create one now!
if (!$file instanceof File) {
// @fixme for new URLs this also looks up non-redirect data
// such as target content type, size, etc, which we need
// for File::saveNew(); so we call it even if not following
// new redirects.
$redir_data = File_redirection::where($given_url);
if (is_array($redir_data)) {
$redir_url = $redir_data['url'];
} elseif (is_string($redir_data)) {
$redir_url = $redir_data;
$redir_data = array();
} else {
// TRANS: Server exception thrown when a URL cannot be processed.
throw new ServerException(sprintf(_("Cannot process URL '%s'"), $given_url));
// TODO: max field length
if ($redir_url === $given_url || strlen($redir_url) > 255 || !$followRedirects) {
// Save the File object based on our lookup trace
$file = File::saveNew($redir_data, $given_url);
} else {
// This seems kind of messed up... for now skipping this part
// if we're already under a redirect, so we don't go into
// horrible infinite loops if we've been given an unstable
// redirect (where the final destination of the first request
// doesn't match what we get when we ask for it again).
// Seen in the wild with clojure.org, which redirects through
// wikispaces for auth and appends session data in the URL params.
$file = self::processNew($redir_url, $notice_id, /*followRedirects*/false);
File_redirection::saveNew($redir_data, $file->id, $given_url);
if (!$file instanceof File) {
// This should only happen if File::saveNew somehow did not return a File object,
// though we have an assert for that in case the event there might've gone wrong.
// If anything else goes wrong, there should've been an exception thrown.
throw new ServerException('URL processing failed without new File object');
if (!empty($notice_id)) {
File_to_post::processNew($file->id, $notice_id);
return $file;
public static function respectsQuota(Profile $scoped, $fileSize) {
if ($fileSize > common_config('attachments', 'file_quota')) {
// TRANS: Message used to be inserted as %2$s in the text "No file may
// TRANS: be larger than %1$d byte and the file you sent was %2$s.".
// TRANS: %1$d is the number of bytes of an uploaded file.
$fileSizeText = sprintf(_m('%1$d byte','%1$d bytes',$fileSize),$fileSize);
$fileQuota = common_config('attachments', 'file_quota');
// TRANS: Message given if an upload is larger than the configured maximum.
// TRANS: %1$d (used for plural) is the byte limit for uploads,
// TRANS: %2$s is the proper form of "n bytes". This is the only ways to have
// TRANS: gettext support multiple plurals in the same message, unfortunately...
throw new ClientException(
sprintf(_m('No file may be larger than %1$d byte and the file you sent was %2$s. Try to upload a smaller version.',
'No file may be larger than %1$d bytes and the file you sent was %2$s. Try to upload a smaller version.',
$fileQuota, $fileSizeText));
$file = new File;
$query = "select sum(size) as total from file join file_to_post on file_to_post.file_id = file.id join notice on file_to_post.post_id = notice.id where profile_id = {$scoped->id} and file.url like '%/notice/%/file'";
$total = $file->total + $fileSize;
if ($total > common_config('attachments', 'user_quota')) {
// TRANS: Message given if an upload would exceed user quota.
// TRANS: %d (number) is the user quota in bytes and is used for plural.
throw new ClientException(
sprintf(_m('A file this large would exceed your user quota of %d byte.',
'A file this large would exceed your user quota of %d bytes.',
common_config('attachments', 'user_quota')),
common_config('attachments', 'user_quota')));
$query .= ' AND EXTRACT(month FROM file.modified) = EXTRACT(month FROM now()) and EXTRACT(year FROM file.modified) = EXTRACT(year FROM now())';
$total = $file->total + $fileSize;
if ($total > common_config('attachments', 'monthly_quota')) {
// TRANS: Message given id an upload would exceed a user's monthly quota.
// TRANS: $d (number) is the monthly user quota in bytes and is used for plural.
throw new ClientException(
sprintf(_m('A file this large would exceed your monthly quota of %d byte.',
'A file this large would exceed your monthly quota of %d bytes.',
common_config('attachments', 'monthly_quota')),
common_config('attachments', 'monthly_quota')));
return true;
// where should the file go?
static function filename(Profile $profile, $origname, $mimetype)
try {
$ext = common_supported_mime_to_ext($mimetype);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// We don't support this mimetype, but let's guess the extension
$ext = substr(strrchr($mimetype, '/'), 1);
// Normalize and make the original filename more URL friendly.
$origname = basename($origname, ".$ext");
if (class_exists('Normalizer')) {
// http://php.net/manual/en/class.normalizer.php
// http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/
$origname = Normalizer::normalize($origname, Normalizer::FORM_KC);
$origname = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\.\_]/', '_', $origname);
$nickname = $profile->getNickname();
$datestamp = strftime('%Y%m%d', time());
do {
// generate new random strings until we don't run into a filename collision.
$random = strtolower(common_confirmation_code(16));
$filename = "$nickname-$datestamp-$origname-$random.$ext";
} while (file_exists(self::path($filename)));
return $filename;
* Validation for as-saved base filenames
static function validFilename($filename)
return preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9._-]+$/', $filename);
* @throws ClientException on invalid filename
static function path($filename)
if (!self::validFilename($filename)) {
// TRANS: Client exception thrown if a file upload does not have a valid name.
throw new ClientException(_("Invalid filename."));
$dir = common_config('attachments', 'dir');
if ($dir[strlen($dir)-1] != '/') {
$dir .= '/';
return $dir . $filename;
static function url($filename)
if (!self::validFilename($filename)) {
// TRANS: Client exception thrown if a file upload does not have a valid name.
throw new ClientException(_("Invalid filename."));
if (common_config('site','private')) {
return common_local_url('getfile',
array('filename' => $filename));
if (StatusNet::useHTTPS()) {
$sslserver = common_config('attachments', 'sslserver');
if (empty($sslserver)) {
// XXX: this assumes that background dir == site dir + /file/
// not true if there's another server
if (is_string(common_config('site', 'sslserver')) &&
mb_strlen(common_config('site', 'sslserver')) > 0) {
$server = common_config('site', 'sslserver');
} else if (common_config('site', 'server')) {
$server = common_config('site', 'server');
$path = common_config('site', 'path') . '/file/';
} else {
$server = $sslserver;
$path = common_config('attachments', 'sslpath');
if (empty($path)) {
$path = common_config('attachments', 'path');
$protocol = 'https';
} else {
$path = common_config('attachments', 'path');
$server = common_config('attachments', 'server');
if (empty($server)) {
$server = common_config('site', 'server');
$ssl = common_config('attachments', 'ssl');
$protocol = ($ssl) ? 'https' : 'http';
if ($path[strlen($path)-1] != '/') {
$path .= '/';
if ($path[0] != '/') {
$path = '/'.$path;
return $protocol.'://'.$server.$path.$filename;
function getEnclosure(){
$enclosure = (object) array();
foreach (array('title', 'url', 'date', 'modified', 'size', 'mimetype') as $key) {
$enclosure->$key = $this->$key;
$needMoreMetadataMimetypes = array(null, 'application/xhtml+xml');
if (!isset($this->filename) && in_array(common_bare_mime($enclosure->mimetype), $needMoreMetadataMimetypes)) {
// This fetches enclosure metadata for non-local links with unset/HTML mimetypes,
// which may be enriched through oEmbed or similar (implemented as plugins)
Event::handle('FileEnclosureMetadata', array($this, &$enclosure));
if (empty($enclosure->mimetype) || in_array(common_bare_mime($enclosure->mimetype), $needMoreMetadataMimetypes)) {
// This means we either don't know what it is, so it can't
// be shown as an enclosure, or it is an HTML link which
// does not link to a resource with further metadata.
throw new ServerException('Unknown enclosure mimetype, not enough metadata');
return $enclosure;
* Get the attachment's thumbnail record, if any.
* Make sure you supply proper 'int' typed variables (or null).
* @param $width int Max width of thumbnail in pixels. (if null, use common_config values)
* @param $height int Max height of thumbnail in pixels. (if null, square-crop to $width)
* @param $crop bool Crop to the max-values' aspect ratio
* @return File_thumbnail
public function getThumbnail($width=null, $height=null, $crop=false, $force_still=true)
// Get some more information about this file through our ImageFile class
$image = ImageFile::fromFileObject($this);
if ($image->animated && !common_config('thumbnail', 'animated')) {
// null means "always use file as thumbnail"
// false means you get choice between frozen frame or original when calling getThumbnail
if (is_null(common_config('thumbnail', 'animated')) || !$force_still) {
throw new UseFileAsThumbnailException($this->id);
if ($width === null) {
$width = common_config('thumbnail', 'width');
$height = common_config('thumbnail', 'height');
$crop = common_config('thumbnail', 'crop');
if ($height === null) {
$height = $width;
$crop = true;
// Get proper aspect ratio width and height before lookup
// We have to do it through an ImageFile object because of orientation etc.
// Only other solution would've been to rotate + rewrite uploaded files.
list($width, $height, $x, $y, $w, $h) =
$image->scaleToFit($width, $height, $crop);
$params = array('file_id'=> $this->id,
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height);
$thumb = File_thumbnail::pkeyGet($params);
if ($thumb instanceof File_thumbnail) {
return $thumb;
// throws exception on failure to generate thumbnail
$outname = "thumb-{$width}x{$height}-" . $image->filename;
$outpath = self::path($outname);
// The boundary box for our resizing
$box = array('width'=>$width, 'height'=>$height,
'x'=>$x, 'y'=>$y,
'w'=>$w, 'h'=>$h);
// Doublecheck that parameters are sane and integers.
if ($box['width'] < 1 || $box['width'] > common_config('thumbnail', 'maxsize')
|| $box['height'] < 1 || $box['height'] > common_config('thumbnail', 'maxsize')
|| $box['w'] < 1 || $box['x'] >= $image->width
|| $box['h'] < 1 || $box['y'] >= $image->height) {
// Fail on bad width parameter. If this occurs, it's due to algorithm in ImageFile->scaleToFit
common_debug("Boundary box parameters for resize of {$image->filepath} : ".var_export($box,true));
throw new ServerException('Bad thumbnail size parameters.');
common_debug(sprintf('Generating a thumbnail of File id==%u of size %ux%u', $this->id, $width, $height));
// Perform resize and store into file
$image->resizeTo($outpath, $box);
// Avoid deleting the original
if ($image->getPath() != self::path($image->filename)) {
return File_thumbnail::saveThumbnail($this->id,
$width, $height,
public function getPath()
return self::path($this->filename);
public function getUrl()
if (!empty($this->filename)) {
// A locally stored file, so let's generate a URL for our instance.
$url = self::url($this->filename);
if ($url != $this->url) {
// For indexing purposes, in case we do a lookup on the 'url' field.
// also we're fixing possible changes from http to https, or paths
return $url;
// No local filename available, return the URL we have stored
return $this->url;
public function updateUrl($url)
$file = File::getKV('url', $url);
if ($file instanceof File) {
throw new ServerException('URL already exists in DB');
$sql = 'UPDATE %1$s SET url=%2$s WHERE url=%3$s;';
$result = $this->query(sprintf($sql, $this->__table,
if ($result === false) {
common_log_db_error($this, 'UPDATE', __FILE__);
throw new ServerException("Could not UPDATE {$this->__table}.url");
return $result;
* Blow the cache of notices that link to this URL
* @param boolean $last Whether to blow the "last" cache too
* @return void
function blowCache($last=false)
self::blow('file:notice-ids:%s', $this->url);
if ($last) {
self::blow('file:notice-ids:%s;last', $this->url);
self::blow('file:notice-count:%d', $this->id);
* Stream of notices linking to this URL
* @param integer $offset Offset to show; default is 0
* @param integer $limit Limit of notices to show
* @param integer $since_id Since this notice
* @param integer $max_id Before this notice
* @return array ids of notices that link to this file
function stream($offset=0, $limit=NOTICES_PER_PAGE, $since_id=0, $max_id=0)
$stream = new FileNoticeStream($this);
return $stream->getNotices($offset, $limit, $since_id, $max_id);
function noticeCount()
$cacheKey = sprintf('file:notice-count:%d', $this->id);
$count = self::cacheGet($cacheKey);
if ($count === false) {
$f2p = new File_to_post();
$f2p->file_id = $this->id;
$count = $f2p->count();
self::cacheSet($cacheKey, $count);
return $count;
public function isLocal()
return !empty($this->filename);
public function delete($useWhere=false)
// Delete the file, if it exists locally
if (!empty($this->filename) && file_exists(self::path($this->filename))) {
$deleted = @unlink(self::path($this->filename));
if (!$deleted) {
common_log(LOG_ERR, sprintf('Could not unlink existing file: "%s"', self::path($this->filename)));
// Clear out related things in the database and filesystem, such as thumbnails
if (Event::handle('FileDeleteRelated', array($this))) {
$thumbs = new File_thumbnail();
$thumbs->file_id = $this->id;
if ($thumbs->find()) {
while ($thumbs->fetch()) {
// And finally remove the entry from the database
return parent::delete($useWhere);
public function getTitle()
$title = $this->title ?: $this->filename;
return $title ?: null;