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ActivityPub Plugin for GNU Social Doc
## Contents
- [Methods](#methods)
- [Followers Collection](#followers-collection)
- [Following Collection](#following-collection)
- [Inbox](#inbox)
- [Inbox Create](#inbox-create)
- [Liked Collection](#liked-collection)
- [Profiles](#profiles)
- [Entities](#entities)
- [Attachment](#attachment)
- [Error](#error)
- [Image](#image)
- [Notice](#notice)
- [Profile](#profile)
- [Tag](#tag)
###### Retrieving objects
The HTTP GET method may be dereferenced against an object's `id` property to retrieve the activity.
The plugin supports HTTP content negotiation as defined in [RFC7231]( in every endpoint suffixed with .json .
The plugin always presents ActivityStreams object representation in response to every request.
The client MUST specify an `Accept` header with the `application/ld+json; profile=""` media type in order to retrieve the activity.
###### Selecting ranges
For most `GET` operations that return arrays, the query parameters `max_id` and `since_id` can be used to specify the range of IDs to return.
API methods that return collections of items can return a `Link` header containing URLs for the `next` and `prev` pages.
See the [Link header RFC]( for more information.
###### Pretty output
For most operations if the `pretty` parameter is set a formated output will be generated (useful for learning about the API or debuging purposes).
###### Errors
If the request you make doesn't go through, the plugin will usually respond with an [Error](#error).
> **Note:** Some attributes in the payload can have ``null`` value and are marked as _nullable_ on the tables below. Attributes that are not nullable are guaranteed to return a valid value.
## Methods
### Followers Collection
#### Getting an Actor's Followers Collection
GET :nickname/followers.json
Query parameters:
| Field | Description | Optional | Type |
| ----------- | ------------------------- | ---------- | ---------- |
| `page` | Page index (starts in 1) | no | int32 |
| Field | Description | Nullable | Type |
| --------------- | ---------------------------- | -------- | ----------------- |
| `id` | URL of the current endpoint | no | string |
| `type` | OrderedCollectionPage | no | string |
| `totalItems` | Total number of followers | no | int32 |
| `prev` | Previous page URL | yes | string |
| `next` | Next page URL | yes | string |
| `orderedItems` | The URL of each profile | no | Array of strings |
### Following Collection
#### Getting an Actor's Following Collection
GET :nickname/following.json
Query parameters:
| Field | Description | Optional | Type |
| ----------- | ------------------------- | ---------- | ---------- |
| `page` | Page index (starts in 1) | no | int32 |
| Field | Description | Nullable | Type |
| --------------- | ------------------------------------ | -------- | ----------------- |
| `id` | URL for current endpoint | no | string |
| `type` | OrderedCollectionPage | no | string |
| `totalItems` | Number of persons the actor follows | no | int32 |
| `prev` | Previous page URL | yes | string |
| `next` | Next page URL | yes | string |
| `orderedItems` | The URL of each profile | no | Array of strings |
### Inbox
#### Inbox Create
POST :nickname/inbox.json
Query parameters:
| Field | Description | Optional | Type |
| --------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ---------- | ---------- |
| `@context` | Standard compliance | no | string |
| `id` | URL of Actor's object | no | string |
| `type` | | no | string |
| `actor` | Actor's URL | no | string |
| `object` | Entity | no | int32 |
##### Example
###### Request:
POST https://actor_instance.localhost/nickname/inbox.json
"@context": "",
"id": "",
"type": "Create",
"actor": "https://actor_instance.localhost/nickname",
"object": {
"type": "Note",
"reply_to": "http://remote_instance/notice/1337",
"content": "hello, world.",
"to": ""
###### Return:
"@context": "",
"id": "",
"type": "Create",
"actor": "https://actor_instance.localhost/nickname",
"object": {
"type": "Note",
"reply_to": "http://remote_instance/notice/1337",
"content": "hello, world.",
"to": ""
### Liked Collection
#### Getting an Actor's Liked Collection
GET :nickname/liked.json
Query parameters:
| Field | Description | Optional | Type |
| ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ---------- | ---------- |
| `max_id` | Get a list of likes with ID less than this value | yes | int32 |
| `since_id` | Get a list of likes with ID greater than this value | yes | int32 |
| `limit` | Maximum number of likes to get (Default 40, Max 80) | yes | int32 |
| Field | Description | Nullable | Type |
| --------------- | ---------------------------- | -------- | ---------------------------- |
| `id` | URL for current endpoint | no | string |
| `type` | OrderedCollection | no | string |
| `totalItems` | Total number of favorites | no | int32 |
| `orderedItems` | Array of [Notices](#notice) | no | Array of [Notices](#notice) |
### Profiles
#### Fetching an Actor's profile
GET :nickname
Returns a [Profile](#profile).
## Entities
### Attachment
| Attribute | Description | Nullable | Type |
| ------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------- |
| `id` | ID of the attachment | no | int32 |
| `mimetype` | Mimetype | no | string |
| `url` | URL of the locally hosted version of the image | no | string |
| `meta` | See **attachment metadata** below | yes | Array |
| `title` | Attachment title | no | string |
**Attachment metadata:**
Images may contain `width`, `height`, `size`.
### Error
The most important part of an error response is the HTTP status code. Standard semantics are followed. The body of an error is a JSON object with this structure:
| Attribute | Description | Nullable | Type |
| ------------------------ | ----------------------------------- | -------- | ------- |
| `error` | A textual description of the error | no | string |
### Image
| Attribute | Description | Nullable | Type |
| ------------------------ | --------------- | -------- | ------- |
| `type` | "Image" | no | string |
| `width` | Image's width | no | int32 |
| `height` | Image's height | no | int32 |
| `url` | Image URL | no | string |
### Notice
| Attribute | Description | Nullable | Type |
| ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------------------------------ |
| `id` | Notice's URL | no | string |
| `type` | Notice's Type | no | string |
| `actor` | URL of Notice owner profile page (can be remote) | no | string |
| `published` | DateTime of notice creation | no | datetime |
| `to` | To | no | string |
| `cc` | CC | no | string |
| `content` | Notice's Content in plain text | no | string |
| `url` | Notice's URL | no | string |
| `reply_to` | ID of the notice this replies | yes | int32 |
| `is_local` | Boolean, true if local, false otherwise | no | bool |
| `conversation` | Notice conversation id | no | int32 |
| `attachment` | Array of [Attachments](#attachment) | no | Array of [Attachments](#attachment) |
| `tag` | Array of [Tags](#tag) | no | Array of [Tags](#tag) |
### Profile
| Attribute | Description | Nullable | Type |
| ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ---------------- |
| `@context` | Standard compliance | no | string |
| `id` | Actor's id | no | int32 |
| `type` | "Person" | no | string |
| `nickname` | Actor's nickname | no | string |
| `is_local` | True if local, false otherwise | no | bool |
| `inbox` | URL to Actor's inbox endpoint | no | string |
| `outbox` | URL to Actor's outbox endpoint | no | string |
| `display_name` | The Actor's display name | no | string |
| `followers` | URL to Actor's followers endpoint | no | string |
| `followers_count` | Total number of followers | no | int32 |
| `following` | URL to Actor's following endpoint | no | string |
| `following_count` | Total number of following | no | int32 |
| `liked` | URL to Actor's Liked collection endpoint | no | string |
| `liked_count` | Total number of favorites | no | int32 |
| `summary` | Actor's biography | no | string |
| `url` | URL of the Actor's profile page (can be remote) | no | string |
| `avatar` | Actor's avatar | no | [Image](#image) |
### Tag
| Attribute | Description | Nullable | Type |
| ------------------------ | -------------------------------------------- | -------- | ---------- |
| `name` | The hashtag, not including the preceding `#` | no | string |
| `url` | The URL of the hashtag | no | string |