Commit Graph

29 次程式碼提交

作者 SHA1 備註 提交日期
Hugo Sales 2d8b220e92
[CORE][Controller] Make Controller abstract, `handle` an optional non static method and use `static::class` rather than `get_called_class` 2021-09-27 19:50:56 +01:00
Diogo Peralta Cordeiro 67d62cf37b
[TWIG] Remove kludge event TwigPopulateVars 2021-09-18 07:27:35 +01:00
Diogo Peralta Cordeiro 365edbaff0
[ActivityStreamsTwo] Initial Actor support
Various bug fixes
2021-09-15 10:26:53 +01:00
Hugo Sales 4e30e5aad9
[TOOLS] Fix all issues found by PHPStan level 2 2021-09-14 13:13:44 +01:00
Hugo Sales add8f4a52f
[TOOLS] Fix all errors found by PHPStan level 1 2021-09-14 13:13:42 +01:00
Hugo Sales e8ae0b74e0
[CORE][Controller] Switch order for content negotiation: allow events to take precedence. Bring back default JSON response 2021-09-14 13:13:41 +01:00
Hugo Sales 1d5fd1aefa
[CORE][Controller] Fix `Controller::__invoke` so it actually passes on the route parameters to the controller method. Add `Controller->string`, which gets a query parameter as a string value, or null if not set 2021-09-14 13:13:40 +01:00
Hugo Sales be27a10244
[EVENTS] Rename event `RouteInFormat` to `ControllerResponseInFormat` 2021-09-14 13:13:39 +01:00
Diogo Peralta Cordeiro fd3b57dc24
[CORE][Controller] Make it possible for plugins to add different content-types to existing routes 2021-09-14 13:13:37 +01:00
Hugo Sales bda839be7b
[MODULES] Add InitiializeModule and CleanupModule events, similar to v2 2021-09-14 13:13:37 +01:00
Hugo Sales 26bf78360b
[ROUTER][UTIL] Allow specifying the Accept format for a route 2021-09-14 13:13:34 +01:00
Hugo Sales 21a5bbe639
[CORE][Controller] Fix JSON response and add test annotations 2021-09-14 13:13:23 +01:00
Hugo Sales 51f8f004b3
[CORE][CONTROLLER] Add TODO to Controller base class as to where our custom exception pages would be implemented 2021-09-14 13:13:18 +01:00
Hugo Sales e6d20bd30d
[CORE][Controller][TESTS] Fix issue that arrises in tests where the Accept header is not specified 2021-09-14 13:13:16 +01:00
Diogo Peralta Cordeiro ce39f6ca4a
[DOCS][Dev] Add Routes and Controllers 2021-09-14 13:13:10 +01:00
Hugo Sales e9a96f1c9b
[DOCUMENTATION] Add high level code walkthrough to developer docs 2021-09-14 13:12:55 +01:00
Hugo Sales 0d01f1d060
[CORE] Add functionality to App\Core\Controller to get and validate GET parameters 2021-09-14 13:11:50 +01:00
Hugo Sales 460712e15e
[GIT] Change my email to the new one in all files and bump copyright year 2021-09-14 13:06:56 +01:00
Hugo Sales e8feb2ae84
[DOCUMENTATION][REFACTOR] Add documentation to all flagged function and do some small cleanup 2021-09-14 13:06:55 +01:00
Hugo Sales 1949e0b987
[EVENT] Rename event names to camel case to make finding handlers easier 2021-09-14 13:06:55 +01:00
Hugo Sales 2164f21834
[Controller] Fix exception handler to recurse on the exception's previous (in some contexts, RedirectException gets wrapped) 2021-09-14 13:06:52 +01:00
Hugo Sales b906dde059
[EXCEPTION][UI][UX] Add RedirectException, which can be thrown anywhere to redirect somewhere, and an exception handler 2021-09-14 13:06:51 +01:00
Hugo Sales 9159fe8d05
[CONTROLLER] Stop propagation of kernel.controller so notices aren't posted 5 times. Not sure why it happens otherwise 2021-09-14 13:05:56 +01:00
Hugo Sales e1002eb605
[MEDIA] Move avatar fetching and adding to ouput to media component 2021-09-14 13:05:55 +01:00
Hugo Sales 8716d700a6
[CORE][DB] Fix uses of db tables after previous restructure 2021-09-14 13:05:53 +01:00
Hugo Sales 4128a5403d
[MEDIA][EXCEPTIONS] Fix errors and deprecations 2021-09-14 13:05:51 +01:00
Hugo Sales bd8f4bd277
[AVATAR] Fixed avatar upload, added avatar inline download and updated template and base controller 2021-09-14 13:05:51 +01:00
Hugo Sales cac00dd6d4
[CONTROLLER][ROUTES] Refactor the base Controller to not reinvent the wheel too much and rely on Symfony's events 2021-09-14 13:05:40 +01:00
Hugo Sales 59b2b98537
[CONTROLLER] Add Controller base class, which handles rendering templates if requested HTML or json, accordingly 2021-09-14 13:05:32 +01:00