merged branch doup/euskara_translations (PR #1714)


39e476f Basque translations added.
6f650f8 Basque file added


Euskara translations

Basque (euskara) translations added.
This commit is contained in:
Fabien Potencier 2011-07-17 07:49:14 +02:00
commit ebaf290d0a

View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<file source-language="en" datatype="plaintext" original="file.ext">
<trans-unit id="1">
<source>This value should be false</source>
<target>Balio honek faltsua izan beharko luke (false)</target>
<trans-unit id="2">
<source>This value should be true</source>
<target>Balio honek egiazkoa izan beharko luke (true)</target>
<trans-unit id="3">
<source>This value should be of type {{ type }}</source>
<target>Balio honek {{ type }} motakoa izan beharko luke</target>
<trans-unit id="4">
<source>This value should be blank</source>
<target>Balio honek hutsik egon beharko luke</target>
<trans-unit id="5">
<source>The value you selected is not a valid choice</source>
<target>Hautatu duzun balioa ez da aukera egoki bat</target>
<trans-unit id="6">
<source>You must select at least {{ limit }} choices</source>
<target>Gutxienez {{ limit }} aukera hautatu behar dituzu</target>
<trans-unit id="7">
<source>You must select at most {{ limit }} choices</source>
<target>Gehienez {{ limit }} aukera hautatu behar dituzu</target>
<trans-unit id="8">
<source>One or more of the given values is invalid</source>
<target>Emandako balio bat edo gehiago ez dira egokiak</target>
<trans-unit id="9">
<source>The fields {{ fields }} were not expected</source>
<target>{{ fields }} eremuak ez ziren espero</target>
<trans-unit id="10">
<source>The fields {{ fields }} are missing</source>
<target>{{ fields }} eremuak falta dira</target>
<trans-unit id="11">
<source>This value is not a valid date</source>
<target>Balio hau ez da data egoki bat</target>
<trans-unit id="12">
<source>This value is not a valid datetime</source>
<target>Balio hau ez da data eta ordu egoki bat</target>
<trans-unit id="13">
<source>This value is not a valid email address</source>
<target>Balio hau ez da helbide elektroniko egoki bat</target>
<trans-unit id="14">
<source>The file could not be found</source>
<target>Ezin izan da fitxategia aurkitu</target>
<trans-unit id="15">
<source>The file is not readable</source>
<target>Fitxategia ez dago irakurgai</target>
<trans-unit id="16">
<source>The file is too large ({{ size }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }}</source>
<target>Fitxategia handiegia da ({{ size }}). Baimendutako tamainu handiena {{ limit }} da</target>
<trans-unit id="17">
<source>The mime type of the file is invalid ({{ type }}). Allowed mime types are {{ types }}</source>
<target>Fitxategiaren mime mota ez da egokia ({{ type }}). Hauek dira baimendutako mime motak: {{ types }}</target>
<trans-unit id="18">
<source>This value should be {{ limit }} or less</source>
<target>Balio honek {{ limit }} edo gutxiago izan beharko luke</target>
<trans-unit id="19">
<source>This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less</source>
<target>Balio hau luzeegia da. {{ limit }} karaktere edo gutxiago eduki beharko lituzke</target>
<trans-unit id="20">
<source>This value should be {{ limit }} or more</source>
<target>Balio honek {{ limit }} edo handiago izan beharko luke</target>
<trans-unit id="21">
<source>This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more</source>
<target>Balio hau motzegia da. {{ limit }} karaktere edo gehiago eduki beharko lituzke</target>
<trans-unit id="22">
<source>This value should not be blank</source>
<target>Balio honek ez luke hutsik egon behar</target>
<trans-unit id="23">
<source>This value should not be null</source>
<target>Balio honek ez luke nulua izan behar</target>
<trans-unit id="24">
<source>This value should be null</source>
<target>Balio honek nulua izan beharko luke</target>
<trans-unit id="25">
<source>This value is not valid</source>
<target>Balio hau ez da egokia</target>
<trans-unit id="26">
<source>This value is not a valid time</source>
<target>Balio hau ez da ordu egoki bat</target>
<trans-unit id="27">
<source>This value is not a valid URL</source>
<target>Balio hau ez da URL egoki bat</target>
<trans-unit id="28">
<source>This form should not contain extra fields</source>
<target>Formulario honek ez luke aparteko eremurik eduki behar</target>
<trans-unit id="29">
<source>The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file</source>
<target>Igotako fitxategia handiegia da. Mesedez saiatu fitxategi txikiago bat igotzen</target>
<trans-unit id="30">
<source>The CSRF token is invalid</source>
<target>CSFR tokena ez da egokia</target>
<trans-unit id="31">
<source>The two values should be equal</source>
<target>Bi balioak berdinak izan beharko lirateke</target>
<trans-unit id="32">
<source>The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }}</source>
<target>Fitxategia handiegia da. Baimendutako tamainu handiena {{ limit }} da</target>
<trans-unit id="33">
<source>The file is too large</source>
<target>Fitxategia handiegia da</target>
<trans-unit id="34">
<source>The file could not be uploaded</source>
<target>Ezin izan da fitxategia igo</target>