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Vítor Santos Costa 57ecd61b95 update docs
2014-09-11 14:07:16 -05:00

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@defgroup Threads Threads @ingroup YAPExtensions

YAP implements a SWI-Prolog compatible multithreading library. Like in SWI-Prolog, Prolog threads have their own stacks and only share the Prolog heap: predicates, records, flags and other global non-backtrackable data. The package is based on the POSIX thread standard (Butenhof:1997:PPT) used on most popular systems except for MS-Windows.

@defgroup Creating_and_Destroying_Prolog_Threads Creating and Destroying Prolog Threads @ingroup Threads

@pred thread_create(: Goal, - Id, + Options)

Create a new Prolog thread (and underlying C-thread) and start it by executing Goal. If the thread is created successfully, the thread-identifier of the created thread is unified to Id. Options is a list of options. Currently defined options are:

  • stack Set the limit in K-Bytes to which the Prolog stacks of this thread may grow. If omitted, the limit of the calling thread is used. See also the commandline -S option.

  • trail Set the limit in K-Bytes to which the trail stack of this thread may grow. If omitted, the limit of the calling thread is used. See also the commandline option -T.

  • alias Associate an alias-name with the thread. This named may be used to refer to the thread and remains valid until the thread is joined (see thread_join/2).

  • at_exit Define an exit hook for the thread. This hook is called when the thread terminates, no matter its exit status.

  • detached If false (default), the thread can be waited for using thread_join/2. thread_join/2 must be called on this thread to reclaim the all resources associated to the thread. If true, the system will reclaim all associated resources automatically after the thread finishes. Please note that thread identifiers are freed for reuse after a detached thread finishes or a normal thread has been joined. See also thread_join/2 and thread_detach/1.

The Goal argument is copied to the new Prolog engine. This implies further instantiation of this term in either thread does not have consequences for the other thread: Prolog threads do not share data from their stacks.

@defgroup Monitoring_Threads Monitoring Threads @ingroup Threads

Normal multi-threaded applications should not need these the predicates from this section because almost any usage of these predicates is unsafe. For example checking the existence of a thread before signalling it is of no use as it may vanish between the two calls. Catching exceptions using catch/3 is the only safe way to deal with thread-existence errors.

These predicates are provided for diagnosis and monitoring tasks.

@defgroup Thread_Communication Thread communication @ingroup Threads

Prolog threads can exchange data using dynamic predicates, database records, and other globally shared data. These provide no suitable means to wait for data or a condition as they can only be checked in an expensive polling loop. Message queues provide a means for threads to wait for data or conditions without using the CPU.

Each thread has a message-queue attached to it that is identified by the thread. Additional queues are created using message_queue_create/2.

@pred thread_send_message(+ Term)

Places Term in the message-queue of the thread running the goal. Any term can be placed in a message queue, but note that the term is copied to the receiving thread and variable-bindings are thus lost. This call returns immediately.

@defgroup Signalling_Threads Signalling Threads @ingroup Threadas

These predicates provide a mechanism to make another thread execute some goal as an interrupt. Signalling threads is safe as these interrupts are only checked at safe points in the virtual machine. Nevertheless, signalling in multi-threaded environments should be handled with care as the receiving thread may hold a mutex (see with_mutex/2). Signalling probably only makes sense to start debugging threads and to cancel no-longer-needed threads with throw/1, where the receiving thread should be designed carefully do handle exceptions at any point.

@defgroup Threads_and_Dynamic_Predicates Threads and Dynamic Predicates @ingroup Threads

Besides queues threads can share and exchange data using dynamic predicates. The multi-threaded version knows about two types of dynamic predicates. By default, a predicate declared dynamic (see dynamic/1) is shared by all threads. Each thread may assert, retract and run the dynamic predicate. Synchronisation inside Prolog guarantees the consistency of the predicate. Updates are logical: visible clauses are not affected by assert/retract after a query started on the predicate. In many cases primitive from thread synchronisation should be used to ensure application invariants on the predicate are maintained.

Besides shared predicates, dynamic predicates can be declared with the thread_local/1 directive. Such predicates share their attributes, but the clause-list is different in each thread.

@defgroup Thread_Synchronisation Thread Synchronisation

All internal Prolog operations are thread-safe. This implies two Prolog threads can operate on the same dynamic predicate without corrupting the consistency of the predicate. This section deals with user-level mutexes (called monitors in ADA or critical-sections by Microsoft). A mutex is a MUTual EXclusive device, which implies at most one thread can hold a mutex.

Mutexes are used to realise related updates to the Prolog database. With related', we refer to the situation where a transaction' implies two or more changes to the Prolog database. For example, we have a predicate address/2, representing the address of a person and we want to change the address by retracting the old and asserting the new address. Between these two operations the database is invalid: this person has either no address or two addresses, depending on the assert/retract order.

Here is how to realise a correct update:

:- initialization

change_address(Id, Address) :-
    retractall(address(Id, _)),
    asserta(address(Id, Address)),