Fix extraction of Atom <content type="text"> and <content type="html">; we were failing to escape plaintext source data to HTML, and doing an extraneous double-deescape on HTML source resulting in breakage of notices containing text that looks like HTML. Only <content type="xhtml"> was working correctly previously.
Fixes for RSS2 content processing: we were failing to load <content:encoded> at all due to using wrong element name, and were applying an extraneous de-escape for <description> rather than the escaping that is required to turn plaintext into HTML. (Per spec, <description> must be plaintext.)
* throwing in our spinner
* cleanup of texts
* "If this doesn't go through click the button" instead of just a mystery button
* slightly faster submission: immediate at end of page rather than waiting for jQuery to confirm document setup completion
I added the statusnet: prefix to the xml output. This prefix should
be declared on the root element of all relevant XML output.
I also added two StatusNet-specific fields:
* statusnet:html - rendered HTML. Clients shouldn't have to guess
at the correct HTML rendering for notices, especially since some
of the links depend on context.
* statusnet:profile_url - profile URL for a user. You can't count
on a user being a local user in a distributed microblogging world.
So, this shows the explicit profile_url.
This reverts commit 98f0d970da98e5b6de18972d033320a191152eb4.
Per xopher we're not yet ready to push 0.9.2 theme directories live; we also haven't merged down various things from testing that need to be in the release such as installer fixes.
* Moved notification sending from Notice::saveReplies to distrib queue handler, so it'll pull from the reply set we've saved regardless of how we got it.
* Set up gettext infrastructure for command-line scripts; gets localization mail notifications etc working from background queues.
* Adjusted locale switching: common_switch_locale() works at runtime for bg scripts, forces a message catalog update
This is really just a hack for the broken CSS in the Cloudy theme, I think; copying from other non-notice-navigation pages that do this as well. There will be plenty of others also broken.
May be slow or run out of memory if run on particularly prolific posters -- not yet optimized for that case.
Note that geodata that has already been sent out to other services (via ostatus, omb, twitter, etc) will not be removed from them.
(fixed version -- previous had accidentally undone another commit)