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The ground Arduino software receives transmitted packets and sent them out to serial encoded in base 64. Install the ground.ino file using the Arduino IDE.

Ground dashboard

The dashboard is a text-based tool for tracking and logging received telemetry. To use it, download a release from the GitHub project or build the dashboard using the following steps:

$ cd ground/dashboard
$ make install
$ make build

Then, run the dashboard using the following ./build/white-vest-dashboard-Darwin-i386 --input /dev/cu.usbmodem143101 --output web.

Note that white-vest-dashboard-Darwin-i386 will change based on the system you are using and /dev/cu.usbmodem143101 is the path to the Arduino serial connection. To view the web dashboard, pass in web for the --output option and open http://localhost:8080/, to view the text dashboard pass in text for the --output option.


The tool is a utility for after-flight work. To use it, download a release from the GitHub project or build the dashboard using the following steps:

$ cd ground/tool
$ make install
$ make build

The overall command structure is:

$ white-vest-tool [TASK] [FLAGS]


  • convert: Converts telemtry data to plain old JSON for analysis
    • --input: The file path to the input file
    • --output: The file path to output to
    • --type: The "type" of data. Right now the only valid option, and the default value, is inboard. This is the CSV file generated on the telemetry module during flight. I recommend reviewing the data and clipping the pre-launch and post-landing useless data for faster conversion.
    • --progress: true or false, print a progress bar during conversion
  • summary: Analyze the data and print a few summary data points like apogee, max v, etc
    • --input: The file path to the input file (use the file made during convert)
  • chart: Generate altitude and velocity charts
    • --input: The file path to the input file (use the file made during convert)
    • --ouput: The directory to save the charts to